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For Malaysia Fans - F4 new song now available

原帖由 jessi 於 2007-12-27 22:09 發表
haha..i only able to stay tune when i came bek  from work...sigh...my big bro ceo zhou???ZZ???

haha...i get to listen jay song again..sigh...i WANT F4 le
aiyo! i don't mean that!   
ceo zhou a.k.a Jay zhou
ur big bro lo...not zaizai le...

wat ur surname? 周(CHAU) is it? r u cantonese?
dun tell me u r banana or mbc again
haha... me... an interfering busybody!
The Power Of Happiness

Love Thine Own Soul, And Comfort Thy Heart.


yea...I am MBC a.k.a BANANA...haha...i m a hokkien...yup..the chau that u mentioned..a hokkien that cant speak hokkien language but dirty words i noe a bit la...haha...

haih...i m improving my mandarin n cantonese aso...but i speak rojak language..haha..malay+english+cantonese+mandarin..kaka...

my 2nd bro is so handsome and cute..maybe he is my long lost bro...kaka...

well, Bro Jay song always aired in MYFM...get to listen it all the time more than F4...wei, that day u mentioned "F4 WAIITNG FOR U?" ...than call them to come to Msia...I MISS THEM SO MUCH...


Get yourself the Charitable CCM music feat VanN now. Don't Miss it...Msian may visit http://www.vannesswu.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=11748&extra=page%3D1
For more info, log on to www.3rdwavemusic.org
VISIT my blog at www.alivenotdead.com/?Jessica C
VIFC_M'sia blog : http://www.vifcmsia.blogspot.com/


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