物品名称:VanNess 06年精品DIY相册 Name of item: 2006 DIY theme albumn of VanNess
主要说明: 这是本人在06年精选VanNess一些照片DIY的相册.全本集中了50张美V照,全本用柯达皇家相纸制作,质量上乘,是享受怀旧、HC的佳品。
以下是部分样照: Brief description: The albumn consists of 50 elite pictures of VanNess shot before 2006. All the pages are made by complete Kodak Royal Papers of high quality. And you can recall some classical images of Van in the beautiful past time.
Here are parts of the samples:
The only defection of this item is ---because I loved it too much, I labelled my ID name in it......
555555......Now for the great love, I've decided to donate it to the charity auction this time......