VanNess吳建豪:Looks like so much fun! I heard Daphne say all the cool stuff you get to do! Have fun be safe, wish I was there with you guys!
(2011.03.21 21:59)
(2011.03.21 03:32)
@林子曦Benjamin:我的heavy bike club正式open!!!! 今天第一次教@唐禹哲 騎,DT學超快,@谭安业Michael 也進步超級多。 I have a feeling that we are going to hit the roads VERY soon!!
VanNess吳建豪:Yo u wearin a diaper??? //@谭安业Michael:I look like I got a mohawk! Ugly ass picture.
(2011.03.21 03:30)
@大嘴巴DaMouth:@VanNess吳建豪 @江語晨JessieChiang 拍戲....等待....等待....再等待....你們在幹嘛?-懷秋