@謝婷婷JenniferTse:Just heard my brother make the speech of a lifetime... so inspiring... it's no wonder P.O. has such a solid and united team spirit. I'm so proud of you Nic ~ it was an incredibly humbling experience watching you this afternoon. Add oil, I'll always be there for you, always.
VanNess吳建豪:What happened today? What are we celebrating???
(2011.04.02 18:04)
@張卓楠:Justin Davis tonight
VanNess吳建豪:Yo! Where you get that cross? I wants!
(2011.04.02 17:29) 作者: KarenYau 時間: 2011-4-3 02:41
Thanks for sharing~~~ 作者: DUBB-3V07 時間: 2011-4-3 09:36
歡迎光臨 吳建豪國際後援會 VanNess Wu International Fan Club (