Shine onだっけ?歌ってた時に一緒に踊ってた子供に向けた笑顔が可愛かったり。
最後、皆で歌ったWe are the world の時に小豬にマイク渡しちゃって「日本人に渡してよ」って言われてたり。
it was long long prayers V did told us, for japanese.
it was Easter Sunday that special day for V as a christian. he said that he surely had worried bout to come to jp, but decided to come after he told to God. he said that he had to come.he should come. it was high time to come to jp.
prayers ....."tomm will be a better day"....heard it twice or 3rd. "Jessus died and live, it's easter. there's something significant in it's easter today. Jp live again.", etc, etc...i was touched by his prayers. thank u , VanNess. i knew that was a prayer from bottom of his heart. L-O-V-E.
btw, some production reminded me of the 雲頂演唱會 at Malaysia. he twirled a red stick as a baton. i luv to see it coz i can't do that.(^^; he also sang an english ballade for a woman who had chosen and gone out on the stage. during he was singing, he slided his arm around her shoulder.. and when she went down to stage, he leaded and squire hand-in-hand wiz her.