I like to propse that we endorse Van Ness to play the role of Jeremy Lin for the movie that Spike Lee and Woody Allen are planning.
I believe strongly that he is the perfect candidate for the following reasons:
1. they both are faithful Christian. They both are Chinese-Amercian.
2. They both have to go through tough time that life through at them.
3. They both believe in themself. They keep on dreaming, and have the perseverence, never give up.
4. yet they are humble , and not selfish.
5. They both have their family's support, and in turn support their family.
And I can go on... 作者: nina200252 時間: 2012-2-28 15:42
All I am saying is that he is a perfect match for they both are faithful Christian, and have excellent work ethic.
By the way, the movie is still in the planning stage I think. I agree that it is the timing, if it belongs to him, he will get it then.
God bless! 作者: melani 時間: 2012-3-2 22:59 標題: 回復 13# IrvineCA 的帖子
Thank you tolerance and understanding,
All to God Almighty ... 作者: 布丁 時間: 2012-3-4 00:20
God bless them~~
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