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作者: jessi    時間: 2007-6-17 05:26     標題: VANNESS WU UNLEASHES HIS CLAWS


Since debuting as F4 and becoming a solo singer, Vanness has cut off his straightened hair, changing it to a short hair-style. He who loves to dance, shows off his muscles, leaving an impression. This is the result of working hard for his new image, hoping everybody can differentiate between the person he was when he came out as F4 and the person he is today. That's right, the Vanness Wu now is the real him. He's still afraid of people mentioning him as "the guy with permed hair"(?)

"I started dancing at the age of 13!" But the real thing is, he started around 8-9, always standing in front of the tv and dancing along with the people on tv. During high school, his friends formed a dance group called Freaks of Nature. "We joined a competition and got third place. And we also met a dance group called Borgaloo Shimp. They praised us, saying that our dancing was good. They even gave us autographs, I was so happy for the next few days!"

MJ Real Dance King

In his new album "V. DUBB", Vanness is playing around with his dancing and music. Reports saying that he is starting to secure the spot as Taiwan's Dance King. About his company giving him a "Dance King Hat", Vanness didn't have any "big feelings."(?) Because he had always liked dancing, its also part of his performance and cannot be separated with his music.
"My target isn't just in Taiwan, but also in Hong Kong, Mainland, and throughout Asia. I hope everybody can see me dance," In Vanness's heart, Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake and a lot of other profession dancers and the "Dance Kings."
"When Michael Jackson dances, every move is precise, and very captivating,"

Girlfriend Must Respect Family

It seems like Vanness doesn't really like to talk about love relationships and rumors. These past few years, every time he is always asked, he will always avoid talking about his relationship with Vivian Hsu. Have they dated? Is their relationship like what reports have said and they have broken up? Vanness still hasn't given a clear answer, but he is willing to share his point of view.
"In my new song, 'Never Let You Go', it talks about me mustering up courage to chase and absolutely cannot give up easily. But to me, the most important thing is still work, my love relationship with my work." Vanness admits, when becoming an artists, facing a relationship means thinking about a lot of things. The qualities he looks for? "Must be somebody who understands me, can understand that I have to go everywhere because of work. Also that I don't have a lot of time to spend with her. But the most important thing is, she must respect my family," If a girl he likes is in front of her, will he chase after her? "I'll have to see first. If the other person understands my work and condition, then I'll see if our relationship can develop further," Right now, he cares more about work than love.

Taking Over The Asian Market

Work cannot be compared to love, so let's talk about work! For the album 'V.DUBB', the composing, packaging, choreography, design, and even the music videos are all designed by Vanness himself. He hopes he can express himself truly. Lately, he has been targeting the Asian market. This year in July, he will once again go to Japan for a solo concert. What about Hong Kong? Surely the fans in Hong Kong are all anticipating for his concert. "Have to ask my company first. Of course, holding a concert in HK Coliseum (???) is every singer's dream. I hope I can one day, but I'm afraid there won't be enough people attending!"
Seems like Hong Kong fans need to give their idols more confidence! But wait! Fans in Hoing Kong don't have to give up hope. Because Vanness is be filming a Hong Kong movie, and then a drama series. Maybe before we see his concert, we'll see his movie and drama!

First Time Being A Director

Vanness's body is strong, can sing and dance, and is many ladies' dream man. Sometimes, fans do something to idols that crosses the line, like John Lennon of Beatles who were chased by fans, and the issue with Andy Lau's crazy fan (Yang). Vanness expresses that when public figures aren't working, its their personal time. His fans are all very good, never doing anything too dangerous or serious. He smiles and says, "Only when I see them happy, I feel its enough,"

Fan Kissing Arm

If he had to say what his most unforgettable experience with a fan was, Vanness says that it happened in America. "When I was out shopping, a female fan suddenly came up and asked for a handshake. So I complied. Who knew that she wouldn't let go and instead she lifted my arms higher and kissed my arm. At the moment, I was a little embarrassed, because I wasn't prepared."

To film for the MVs, 'Never Let You Go' and 'My Kingdom', he wanted to get good scenery and thus went to America to film them. The actors, props, etc were all chose by him. "Actually, other than me, there were 2 other directors helping. Because I can't see to everything, so being a director this time was a little difficult. I will try to schedule everything as best I can," But, Vanness expresses that he does not want to be a film director yet, as he is not ready.

Working Out 6 Days A Week

When Vanness was younger, he used to be chubby! But he started slimming down after 20. Right now, his muscles is the result of him joining the entertainment circle. "After becoming a singer, I feel that we have to keep a image and style, so I worked out." Right now, Vanness always exercise for an hour, especially during days when he has to work outdoors. "If I had to work at 11AM, I would wake up an hour earlier to work out. Every week, 6 days will always be used to work out with only one day as a break. I can eat all I want then," As a kid, Vanness loved eating. Because he has to monitor his diet and work out, is it hard? "It's okay. At the beginning I thought it was annoying and hard."

Special Thanks:Nicole Lim @DFC
作者: vanever    時間: 2007-6-17 09:49

不知道內容說些什麼, 看圖片該是明報專訪.
作者: siufet    時間: 2007-6-17 11:10

Fan Kissing Arm

If he had to say what his most unforgettable experience with a fan was, Vanness says that it happened in America. "When I was out shopping, a female fan suddenly came up and asked for a handshake. So I complied. Who knew that she wouldn't let go and instead she lifted my arms higher and kissed my arm. At the moment, I was a little embarrassed, because I wasn't prepared."

oh! quite terrible!!

[ 本帖最後由 siufet 於 2007-6-17 11:12 編輯 ]
作者: lvlilf    時間: 2007-6-17 11:10

作者: jessi    時間: 2007-6-17 11:39

原帖由 siufet 於 2007-6-17 11:10 發表
Fan Kissing Arm

If he had to say what his most unforgettable experience with a fan was, Vanness says that it happened in America. "When I was out shopping, a female fan suddenly came up and aske ...
haha..yea, this gal was so terrible, bt for me the moment i saw vann in a nearer distance, i automatically cant talk anymore

i like this Vanness expresses that when public figures aren't working, its their personal time. His fans are all very good, never doing anything too dangerous or serious. He smiles and says, "Only when I see them happy, I feel its enough,"

haha....i blive since last time F4 fans are all always polite gals and guys...hehe
作者: vikimi    時間: 2007-6-17 15:47

作者: 1syun1    時間: 2007-6-17 16:41

原帖由 vanever 於 2007-6-17 09:49 發表
不知道內容說些什麼, 看圖片該是明報專訪.
U're right. Just that interview. ... &extra=page%3D1
Jessi, did u translated it????woooo, well done

[ 本帖最後由 1syun1 於 2007-6-17 16:49 編輯 ]
作者: TuesdaysVV    時間: 2007-6-17 19:05

oh jessi!
thank you so much for the english translation!

thank you
作者: jessi    時間: 2007-7-2 16:39

yun and linda>sorry for the late reply...nup..i din translate it...i saw this post at one of the msia artist web under V corner...anyway, i can't read chinese...and my mandarin nt tat gud...hehe...

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