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作者: qq545048456    時間: 2009-5-2 10:11     標題: 21 days...

To blog or not to blog...that is the question...

I'm currently at the Bei Jing airport right now awaiting my flight back to TW. As I've said I recently have been fasting for 21days. Really wanted to clear my head from everything, all the noise of the world. Physically, and digitally. So started the 1st Week was fruits and vegetables, week two and three was water/juice/vitamins. Some people asked my what for? Some people thought I was crazy, and some people  got mad at me. The reason for this fast was for clarity, peace in my heart, restoration for my soul, to rid off baggage from the past. It is very interesting how God will answer your prayers and bless you in ways you never even expected. The fast overall was great~! I feel more healthy, more clear, and stronger physically, and spiritually. Even though I started looking like a skeleton. I really enjoyed it, and actually wanted to continue for 40 days like Jesus did. But I only recommend people to fast when they have less work on their plates. I started shooting the movie "Waiting for you" on the 1st till the 19th, this time it was mostly acting, not that much action so I thought why not. It will be very interesting to see where God leads me on this.

On the second day of the liquid fast, man I thought to myself...I'M TIRED, AND HUNGRY~ it's such a long day of shooting, it's am I going to last 12 more days? (the devil really doesn't want me getting closer to God) was pretty intense, so I started to draw strength from the Lord through prayer, and then all of a sudden when I least expected it...BAM! The hunger went away, I had a sudden burst of energy, and not long after the director called it a day.

I'm reading "After God's Own Heart" by Mike Bickle, and the next day I just so happen to land on the chapter about fasting. Coincident...I think NOT! Throughout my fast I thought I would receive answers directly as I did last time I fasted, but God has such wonderful mysterious way of reveal answers to us. My prayer time became longer, it went from 1 hour, to 1 hr 40 min, to 2 hrs. It wasn't all gravy though...last year when I prayed I was able to feel God's presence with me within a short amount of time. But lately, when I felt I needed Him even more so...I couldn't! It was more difficult, my mind would be filled with all these different thoughts popping in and out. I wouldn't be able to get the tingles throughout my body, and I would just sit there in bed, with my palms facing up, thinking to myself...wtflip~! God where are yoU! But then I's not about feeling, it's not about seeing, it's about FAITH! Faith is Fact! So then I called out to the Lord, saying FATHER GOD...I DON'T FEEL YOU...BUT I KNOW! I KNOW THROUGH FAITH YOU ARE RIGHT NEXT TO ME RIGHT NOW! Sometimes He answered and sometimes He would let me sit there a little longer. hahaha...but through it all, in the end....I believe my inner man has become stronger.

The miracle-

I finished shooting the movie on the 19th, and during the shoot I was invited to the HK film award show at the very last minute. At was hesitant at first whether or not I should go, because of the time frame I had to work with for a performance. But then I thought why not, it should be fun. Soon after I agreed, they changed the performance rundown, and I thought well I don't really feel like going anymore...but they pleaded with me, and all of a sudden the pressure was on me, like their whole opening counted on me going. Honestly I'm not making this up. So I thought, well I already agreed, and God has His plans of doing things...ok just go with it. So I agreed. I really didn't have time to plan for the performance, and I didn't know what to expect. Especially since the morning before on the 18th I woke up with massive stomach pains and had to use the washroom twice before going to shoot in the evening. I immediately bbm'd my pastor's asking them to pray for me and seeked their advice. They told me to start eating if the pain continues. I took some meds and laid in bed, praying the entire time till I had to go to work. By the time work came around I felt better, weak but better. We shot from evening of the 18th till 4am on the 19th. Then book'd it to the hotel showered, and started the journey from Gwong Dong China, to HK. A 4 hour car ride, which I only slept 1 hr. Reached the hotel, tried to sleep but got only another hour before I woke up for rehearsals. Went back to the hotel to get another 1 hr sleep with all the things clouding my mind. The show tonight, what am I going to perform? What are the lyrics they wanted me to sing again since they changed…My mind was all over the place. That's when I said FLIP THIS~! I got up and started to pray.

I realized the only way I was going to clear my head, was through the peace that only God can give me. It wasn't easy, I pushed my way through over an hour of prayer time to reach that peace. And then it all became so clear to me...tonight's performance is not about the fact that it's the 100th annv. of the award show. It's not about the many people who will be there, it's not about the millions who will be watching, it's not about anything of this world. It's about, and should always be about HIM! God, all is for Him, to Him, by Him. Everything that is going to happen tonight is because God planned it. I told the Lord, if I should fall flat on my face tonight, it's all good. It's because you want me too! So that night I really just let go, and said to myself this is all for God. For His glory, my own little performance to Him for Him.

I thought it was going to be great! I thought God's gonna grant me to have a perfect performance. That was completely my pride talking. Hahaha...I mean I literally had only slept 3 hours in 1 hr segments in 2 days. Have not eaten in 12 days, and I'm about to perform. So that time came when I was on stage before I even realized it, singing and dancing my heart out to whatever was going on in my mind. I made the dance routine up literally as I was walking the red carpet. So the end result? Me enjoying being on stage dancing for God and only God in front of the world to see. (I'm smiling right now...for God is soo good. And has such a great sense of humor)

Throughout this fast, what I got from it, was that even my prayers weren't answered the way I expected. As it happens like that often, but they were answered never the less. I became stronger in the spirit, and what came with that, was my way of thinking was changed. How I viewed things was different. It wasn't about the little things of this world. Life has so much more to offer than just what's in front of me. At the last day of my fast I was packing to go boxes to eat at midnight during dinner (when my fast ended) with an auntie friend of my parents.

She was telling me stories about her husband being in the hospital for over a year in a coma. As I heard this I felt it in my heart to go pray for him. So as I went to the hospital to pray for my auntie's husband who's been in a coma for over a year. I didn't know what to expect. All I knew was that I wanted to pray for him. I went into the room, and the emotions that I felt where unreal...I didn't even know why I was feeling that way. So I placed my hand on his hand, and prayed for I dunno how long, but before I even spoke 3 words I started to cry. And that night I after I prayed for him, I couldn't sleep. I was in bed tossing and turning, not knowing why....and then all of a sudden I sat up, and had an over whelming feeling of sadness. Then I couldn't stand it, the tears just suddenly began to fall. I didn't even realize what was going on, why I felt like this until later on when I told my pastor about the whole experience. He told me I was feeling God's heart...that God shared with me His heart. His sadness for them. I was weeping for my aunt. How strong of a woman she is, and how sad of a situation she is in. All in all I've learned so much within these 21 days. And above all…I God shared with me such a wonderful and precious thing. His heart. I’ve never felt closer to Him. Thank you God, and thank you guys for always being there for me. I know this was a long one...but it's been awhile since I wrote.

Oh and by the end of the movie shoot...2 of the hair stylist accepted Christ into their hearts! Amen! GOD IS GOOD.

[ 本帖最後由 qq545048456 於 2009-5-2 10:16 編輯 ]
作者: qq545048456    時間: 2009-5-2 10:14


我目前在北京机场现在等待我的飞行回到台湾。正如我以前说过我最近一直绝食21天。真的想清楚我头上的一切,所有的噪音的世界。在身体上,和数字化。因此,开始了第1周是水果和蔬菜,每周二和三是水/果汁/维生素。有些人问我为什么?一些人认为我疯了,和一些人在我疯了。这样做的原因是为了快速清晰,和平在我的心里,恢复对我的灵魂,摆脱了行李从过去。这是非常有趣的上帝会如何回答你们的祈祷和祝福你的方式你甚至从来没有预期。快速整体是伟大的〜 !我觉得更健康,更明确,更有力的身体和精神。即使我开始寻找像一个骨架。我非常喜欢它,实际上要继续40天没有像耶稣。但是,我只能建议人们快速较少时,他们的工作牌。我开始拍摄“等着你”的第1至19日,这一次,主要是代理,没有太大行动,所以我想为什么不。这将是非常有趣的,看看上帝让我在此。

第二天的液体快速,男子我想...我累了,饿了〜这是一个漫长的一天的拍摄,现在已经晚了..我应该如何去过去12多天? (魔鬼真的不希望我越来越接近上帝) Hahaha ...这是相当激烈的,所以我开始汲取力量主通过祈祷,然后突然间,当我不预期...军火市场!饥饿就走,我有一个突然的能源,而不是很长时间后总称为一天。

我读“在上帝的心”由Mike Bickle ,第二天我只是这样的土地上发生的一章关于禁食。同步...我想不会!在我快我想我会得到的答案直接像我一样我最后一次禁食,但上帝这种奇妙神秘的方式向我们揭示答案。我祈祷的时间变长,这也从1小时,以1小时40分钟,至2小时。这是不是所有的肉汁虽然...去年当我祈祷,我能感觉到上帝的存在,与我在很短的时间。但最近,当我觉得我需要他,更是...我不能!这是更为困难,我心中充满了将所有这些不同的想法突然进出。我将无法得到tingles我的整个身体,我只想坐在那里在床上,我的手心了,思想对自己... wtflip 〜 !上帝你在哪里!但后来我意识到...这不是感觉,这不是看到,它的信仰!信仰是事实!于是我打电话给上帝,上帝说,父亲...我不觉得你...但我知道!我知道通过信仰你说得我旁边吧!有时,他回答,有时他会坐在那里,让我长了一点。 hahaha ...而是通过这一切,最终....我相信我的内心的人已变得更加强大。


我完成拍摄于19日,并在拍摄我被邀请参加24届香港电影金像奖颁奖在最后一分钟。在犹豫不决首先与否,我应该去,因为我有时间框架的工作与一个表现。但后来我想为什么不应该乐趣。我同意后,他们改变了性能破败,我认为很好,我真的感觉去了...但他们恳求我,突然的压力是对我,就像他们整个开幕指望我去。老实说我不是使这一行动。所以我想,以及我已经同意,上帝有他的计划的做事...确定只是它。因此,我同意。我真的没有时间计划的执行情况,我不知道应该期待些什么。特别是因为今天上午之前,于18日与我醒来大规模胃痛,并使用洗手间两次拍摄前,在傍晚。我立即bbm'd我的牧师的祈祷,要求他们对我和seeked他们的意见。他们告诉我开始吃的,如果疼痛继续。我把一些meds和埋在床上,祈祷的整个时间直到我不得不去工作。工作的时候,我觉得是围绕更好地薄弱,只有更好。我们的投篮从晚上18到凌晨4点19 。然后book'd到酒店洗澡,并开始从Gwong董笞衲,港元。阿4小时车程,我只能睡1小时。到了酒店,想睡觉,但只获得一个小时之前,我醒来的排练。回到酒店获得另一1小时睡眠与所有的东西蒙上我的脑海。今晚的节目,我是什么去执行?歌词是什么,他们希望我能唱,因为他们再次改变...我的心里都是。这时候我说倒装本〜 !我得到了,开始祈祷。

我认识的唯一途径我要明确我的头,是通过和平的,只有上帝能够给我。这是不容易的,我把我的方式通过了一个多小时的祈祷时间来达成和平。然后这一切变得如此明确的给我...今晚的表现是不是一个事实,即它的第100 annv 。裁决查看。这不是谁的许多人将在那里,这并不是谁的数以百万计将密切关注,这并不是什么这个世界。它是,并且应该永远是他!上帝,一切对他来说,他说,由本人支付。一切将要发生今晚是因为上帝策划。我告诉上帝,如果我应属于单位今晚我的脸,这一切都很好。这是因为你要我呢!因此,在那个晚上,我只是让去,对自己说,这是一切的上帝。为他的荣耀,我自己没有表现他对他。

我认为这将是伟大的!我想上帝的要去给予我有一个完美的表现。这完全是我的骄傲说话。 Hahaha ...我的意思是我实际上只有3个小时睡在1小时阶层在2天。没有吃的12天,我将要执行。所以这时候当我在舞台上,我什至实现它,又跳又唱,我的心,以任何发生的事情在我的脑海。我的舞蹈的例行行动实际上我走了红地毯。因此,最终的结果?我享受在舞台上正在跳舞的上帝,只有上帝的前面全世界都看得到。 (我现在面带微笑...上帝是洙好。和这样一个伟大的幽默感)


她告诉我的故事她的丈夫正在医院一年多处于昏迷状态。当我听到这个我觉得在我的心里去为他祈祷。所以,我去了医院,祈祷我的阿姨的丈夫是谁一直在昏迷了一年多。我不知道会发生什么事情。所有我知道的是,我想为他祈祷。我走进房间,和情感,我觉得在虚幻...我什至不知道为什么,我感觉这种方式。所以,我把我的手放在他的手,并祈祷我dunno多久,但在此之前我什至以3的话,我开始哭了起来。并在那个晚上,我之后,我为他祈祷,我无法入睡。我被扔在床上和车削,不知道为什么....然后突然我坐起来,并有超过whelming愁肠。然后,我无法忍受时,眼泪只是突然开始下降。我什至都没有意识到发生了什么事情,为什么我觉得这样,直到后来当我告诉我的牧师的整个经验。他告诉我,我感到上帝的心... ,上帝与我分享他的心。他悲伤的。我哭我的姑姑。多么强大的一个女人,她,以及如何可悲的局势,她是个所有的一切我已经学到了很多在这21天。及以上的所有...我的上帝分担我的这样一个美好和宝贵的东西。他的心。我从来没有觉得更接近他。谢谢上帝,并感谢你们为总是有我。我知道这是一个漫长的...但它是一段时间以来我写信。

噢,并在年底的电影拍摄... 2发型师接受基督到他们的心!阿门!上帝是好的。
作者: 鑫鑫    時間: 2009-5-2 10:42

作者: 1syun1    時間: 2009-5-2 11:40

作者: qq545048456    時間: 2009-5-2 12:12

原帖由 1syun1 於 2009-5-2 11:40 發表
作者: qq545048456    時間: 2009-5-2 12:12

原帖由 鑫鑫 於 2009-5-2 10:42 發表
作者: 1syun1    時間: 2009-5-2 12:36

原帖由 qq545048456 於 2009-5-2 12:12 發表

作者: 1syun1    時間: 2009-5-2 12:39

哎哟喂,不好意思,这阵子电脑被念得紧,一不小心又发重了。sorry, sorry噢!
作者: 鑫鑫    時間: 2009-5-2 13:41

原帖由 qq545048456 於 2009-5-2 12:12 發表

嗯 我看到了
作者: 鑫鑫    時間: 2009-5-2 13:42

原帖由 qq545048456 於 2009-5-2 12:12 發表

你到AND去申請翻譯某人的博客吧 哈哈
作者: vv小yue    時間: 2009-5-2 14:20

作者: adayip    時間: 2009-5-2 14:57

原帖由 1syun1 於 2009-5-2 12:39 發表
哎哟喂,不好意思,这阵子电脑被念得紧,一不小心又发重了。sorry, sorry噢!
沒關係... 我弄好了!!!  
作者: 田野    時間: 2009-5-2 16:44

作者: 1syun1    時間: 2009-5-2 16:52

原帖由 adayip 於 2009-5-2 14:57 發表

沒關係... 我弄好了!!!  

作者: COOLGIRLQQQ    時間: 2009-5-2 18:22     標題: 我现在的and上不去了

作者: 彭婷    時間: 2009-5-2 20:51

作者: beibeiaiv    時間: 2009-5-2 23:32

作者: 鑫鑫    時間: 2009-5-3 03:42

強烈建議某人出一本關于如何理解他博客的書 哈哈
作者: vanness猫猫    時間: 2009-5-3 17:13

作者: qq545048456    時間: 2009-5-3 18:59

原帖由 鑫鑫 於 2009-5-3 03:42 發表
強烈建議某人出一本關于如何理解他博客的書 哈哈
作者: qq545048456    時間: 2009-5-3 19:00

作者: 田野    時間: 2009-5-3 19:58

原帖由 qq545048456 於 2009-5-3 18:59 發表

作者: 1syun1    時間: 2009-5-3 20:09

原帖由 田野 於 2009-5-3 19:58 發表

嘿嘿嘿嘿~~~忽然发现原来我可以这么贤惠啊,哇卡 ...
作者: 寒冷小石子    時間: 2009-5-3 20:33

作者: 田野    時間: 2009-5-3 22:15

他还真是能折腾哈,感情不心疼哈, 他不心疼,为啥我们这么心疼呢

PS 1syun1,这回俺绝对没有呛到,气他不保重,骂得可顺畅了......

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