Rap: Lord, thank you for today, thank you for tomorrow
Thank you for the days before today, that were filled with tears and sorrow
Bless me Lord, to seek you more with an open heart of weakness
Give me faith to know, your love will flow to keep me warm through coldness
Holy spirit shine your light on me, let your Spirit rise from my head to my toes
Baptize me heart with your Spirit inside, till you are all that shows
Ignite my heart, set it on fire for you oh Lord, for I want to go even deeper
I want to know the very intimates of your heart, Heavenly Father my keeper
Open my spiritual eyes oh Lord, so that I may know the true meaning of life
So that I may know serve, and above all else, all you with all that I am
I thank You God for loving me, In Jesus name Amen
Rap: 怎麼突然有這改變 因為我不想後悔去過每天 主每一天都在我的身邊
主說要我做祂的兒子 讓祂保護著我的靈魂 守護著我的一生 祂叫我不要犯十誡
要堅守每一誡 要不然祂就不再愛我這個大男孩 現在眼前這個我 只知道種甚麼花就能得甚麼果 我要做好耶穌基督的書信 別讓這世界偷走你的感覺(The god is good Hope will come true)
能夠和你在一起 就是因為你的愛 對我不離不棄 你對我背後的支持 我就想著”只要和你在一起”甚麼事都完美 (The love is real oh baby can you feel)