看了他的更新 我倒是不担心他了 V真是成熟了...不过还是纠结一句"Funny though...everytime when my life seems like it's filled with nothing by joy...something seems to come and try to damper my mood.” 天将降大任于是人也...
其实那个制片都说了与艺人无关了 只能说跟艺人有合作自己还吸毒 吸毒还被捉到 于是这么隆重的被报道了 有够倒霉了...... 作者: meteorlulu 時間: 2010-2-20 06:31
No need to be worry,VaN Ness know his self,
no one,nobody can judge him.
We believe in him,we see his great changes &
nothing to be mistrust with it.
Mary Jane(marijuana) is such terrible thing which can
destroy a life of an innocent,VaN Ness has a strong faith with God
& God will never leave him~
That "broker" is such a GREAT,for pretending!
My God!suspecting an innocent to do that horrible thing.
The truth will be appear in the end~