
Amazing Friends--The Blessed Trip in HK

Amazing Friends--The Blessed Trip in HK

When I saw the page which God showed me in Bible after the prayer with all heart, everything confusing flew away from my heart immediately--- Isn't it so obvious to me? God just told me, " Go!" ...Then I made up the mind to step on such a blessed trip--God bless my trip to HK to see my friends.
                                                             The Trip with Angels
        Just sat down and put the luggage on the seat of the express line in HK, my mobile phone rang---WHERE ARE YOU NOW ON EARTH?!~~ Besides my  Darling Angel, who else has got such a fierce and cute voice...( Ahhhh...Don't mistake...Cute cute cute  is the key...I don't want to be kicked...) In fact, I was late for about half an hour because of the delayed flight, Darling must be very worried about me who always gets lost...Worse still, when I met my darling, I even forgot to give her a big bear hug but only smiled like a fool...Darling, long time no see~~
        With many friends company, I didn't wait too long for V's existence. In a while, in the screams,in white shirt of deep V -shaped collar(OMG, the most lethal style to me...), King Van ran to his stage,sang and danced "Is This All" for us directly.Com'on! That's his first live show of this song in HK! That's his new songs we've expect for so long! Is this all? Of course not! He is the king,the sun, the light at the stage to shine us? Can you hear the powerful beats? Can you see his passional dance?Do you understand the meaning of the big chorus--Is this all i've been searching for ?!!!...
        It may be fans' awesome behaviors for reason. After the hot dance and a short chat with hostess, V took off his cool sunglasses, the cover of his starry slim eyes, and started the closer interaction with fans---Feeding and guessing the special food in HK.
  "Ready?" Food is coming!!!  The friends on or off the stage both enjoyed the wonderful time with our sweet V. As to me...would like to catch every detail of him, would like to shoot each pose of him, would like to hear all his words,would like to raise the VIFC boards high and cover my face from being shot by media (the principle for a lucker)...so...I was too busy to deal with even one thing well~~no clear pictures, no attentive watching, was shot by someone's Iphone(luckily,only a small part of my face...)
     ...However, my tradegy didn't stop yet. When the part of signing came, I walked close to V and handed in the prepared piece of paper with my English name in a little panic mind and the gift for congratulating on his new album. "Congrats on the new album! Can you..." I could hardly hear my last two words, and just knew V responsed politely, "Thank you!", but the clerks beside seemed to show it wasn't allowed to sign fan's personal name~~I admit, I am a weakling, I gave up~~ Everything I could think of was that I failed to get a sign for my birthday ...soooo tragic... But God is always amazing! He always sends me the best angel to bless me . My Darling Angel volunteered to help me get another V sign and told me if I want that just told V directly. He is a good guy who cherish fans very much. OK, now I would try again...I went to the line, waited to ask V to sign and showed him another piece of paper with some friend's name again...The same as the last time, V  was busy with signing and couldn't see the paper exactly, I suddenly said in courage, " VanNess,would you please sign the name for my friend?" ..."Sorry, please don't ask for personal sign..." the clerk was still explaining, but this time V quickly signed "Jean" on one of the evenlops~~~ VVVVVVVVVVVV, I've got that!! THANK U V, You're really a nice guy!!! Felt a little excited, I got off the stage and saw Angel also joined the queue again.  Soon she gave me a new signed envelop -- What a wonderful signed file evelop!!! THANX , MY ANGLE!I couldn't help giving her a big big hug and kiss.   
   I LOVE YOU, GUYS! You're all my angels!!! Thanks,God. Now I'll be much braver for love!!!


                                                    The Night with God and Friends
I can't help writing but really don't know how to describe the exact amazing feeling of that night yet. So I've edited this part of journal for times. Because the only thing I can make sure about that magic night is that God bless me, God bless us and God  bless our love ~~my dear friends.
        No one knows how good my Darling is at all. After a good treated dinner from her ,she managed to get a quite good seat at the concert for me for free as well!!  

    After entering the concert hall, I saw some notice board with something like 'No shooting'~. In addition,many securestars were responsible to remind us of that and told us not to show light boards too high &*^%$(#)@!...OK, to be a polite fan~ I sat and talked with dear Carrie in low voice, and tried to hide the cameras from the nearby securestars' view till the lights went out...
    It's hard for me to remember how the prologue went by the hostesses.My memory just seemed to restart when V appeared as the opening performer on the stage in his beginning logo prelude "Wu---JianHao----". Then~ King started to sing "Never Let You Go"  to catch each fan's eyes and heart.  Yepp!! On the stage, he always has the magic to never let you go. At least , it's absolutely exact for me each time, ~especially for this time. Praise the Lord, the following old songs," DO IT, REASON, SOLDIER(scream!!! )" were all the ones which I wanted mostly to watch precisely ( God ,You always knows me best!!!). Praise the God, V had got the power from angels which made him give us the most fluent, most energetic and most shining dances & singing I had ever watched.No exaggeration at all! But the deadly defection was that under securestars' supervise we were not allowed to stand up and raise the boards high~~ OOoops, that hurt us deeply to the inner. What could we do to release the passion in the body which had been overflown? --Only scream---VanNess!!!

   Thanks God more! V brought us more and more.Hahaha~~ he took off the coat  and showed more of his well-built body. V.Bubbnes slowed down and said more words and made more fun to us fans.

       Now to me again~ the key is that he sang news songs in the new album, to show his more efforts on music to feedback us friends who support him all the way. However, this is not all. As soon as Carrie and I found some empty seats in front rows. We quickly moved there and stayed closer to V. At the same time, I believed V also saw us and heard our scream more clearly. Because he looked at us 2 just after hearing the scream. Then some more sweet things related to AIYA incredibly happened. Hey, V, that's the sweetest song I've ever heard. It was an amazing warm and comfortable feeling to sing " A---YA---"  together with you while we were smiling at each other... Aya~~ that's the love, the tacit understanding between old friends...u know and I see with no more words--- God is with us.
       Sweet time always flies faster. V declared his last song of that night. I think he must know what we really desired . Just stand up as you want!” --YES, KING! All the V fans sprang up and cried out!!!--LET's GO!!! Let king view where his parade is!!! No securestars! No disallowance!! No Nos!!! Is This All? No!!! King exerted all his energy to walk and sing with the micro...at last, he even rushed down to his subjects to recieve much crazier applausing and touching!!! "This is it !!!" I was looking at his back and screaming to God in silence at that moment--This is the Best Love God gives to us. and~~not only tonight...~~God, I nearly couldn't control tearing~~~"VanNess, I LOVE U!!!" Finally, I couldn't help crying out that towards his back which was leaving the stage in the shining firework...

    The passion still stired up us. All of us failed to fall asleep and decided to go on the party in the hotel--Crownz Plaza...to talked, talked, talked, talked about our V. Dubbness till midnight...Oh, almost forget to say that, to our huge surprise, Crownz Plaza was one of the sponsers for the concert event... Thanks, Yingying! Thanks for the offering! Thanks, God!! You're sooooo good!!!

      The next morning, we recieved the message that V would take the night flight. Ying and I couldn't see him off at the airport. That's OK la~~ Hearing that, I just smiled and looked out of the window of the running taxi...It's not important for me to say goodbye to V now.

Above all, I had found what is with you and us... see you, my dear friend, V.

[ 本帖最後由 1syun1 於 2011-7-10 08:45 編輯 ]

