
【翻译版】315 V's interview[V日本宣传下一站幸福采访]

【翻译版】315 V's interview[V日本宣传下一站幸福采访]

http://vannesswu.org/bbs/viewthr ... p;extra=page%3D1###
Above is the original post from Yue

This is the edition of some English part, sorry that I can't translate the Japanese Part
[Japanese Part]
"Actually I wanna to do this, because it is really challenging, That is a really challenge to the character,but reality at the beginning, I wasn't really to do it, I didn't really want to do it, because I have so many projects that I didn't prepared for. But after doing it, I think I was one of the best things I have experienced in my career, not because what has happened but the relationship that I've got during the whole process."
[Japanese part]
It's just more real, meaning like the situation is that the characters are  put in emotions, it's more people related, you know, it's about love,and everybody is love.
[Japanese Part]
I'm not afraid of father role, you know, I just love children, and I imagine that Xiaoxiao Bing..you know.. how I would play and how I would treat my kids who I love, so it was really easy. I want to get married, I wanna to have kids, and I wanna have a family, so it wasn't that hard.
[Japanese Part]
Err...no.     ___makes me comfortable
[Japanese Part]
To some one who is able to care for the things that my heart cares for, and people are different,  so it's not like that they ask them to change, but it's the willingness to look inside another person's heart. And you say that I care for what that heart will be feeling, so I am willing to do it out of love.
[Japanese Part]
You know the deep feelings in our hearts, and you'll give us what I want as long as we....
[Japanese Part]
wow, that will be great....awesome..They've got to worry about love, worry about something else.
I mean if I love a person, it can take along all the qualities that at the same thing that I love, and you put it into a different person. Look at this person that have all the qualities that I want, but in the end it's not that  person, so
[Japanese part]
So no matter what.... if I love, let me tell that it's her.
It's really hard
He is a very smart kid, all the cameras just like a radio for a kid, he is just like that fun, and you know, he is very funny.
No...They always massage me after each episode, like the episode is greater... I'm crying at the whole episode. I have one friend she works at the office, and she's just watched it, she massaged me on my phone that you know I have a complaint about your TV drama, that you should not watch it in the office, because she began to watch it at the opening and she began to crying,so..you know
Emotional scenes, many emotional scenes, and this drama is almost go over. One of the deepes emotional is that when I got my memory back, because that scene....
I mean when I came back from there, I just came back from the church, I was so happy, I was so happy. People wondered why you'r so happy, you know that scene is scared, you have to be intense,all these emotion , that I said oh it's ok. I just bring my back to the character, and when we shoot that scene you know, when I got my memory back, go to the scene that all that happen, and the first, she said it was good, and I get all these motions when I need them. and then she says that she needs one more. I say"no problem" so when we do it again , when we do it again, this time it's so hard for me to come back, she said OK, she is just explaining it to me the changes...why it should be again, and I recalled my memory, so when the camera starting, it all comes...I wasn't say any that, the emotion just work and come back. So when she said cut, I continued to cry for about 5 or 7 minutes. She came in and hugging me, and just like it's all right, it's OK. I just remembered that when I was crying, I just thinking that, let me finish it. and it 's so hard that thing.
[Japanese Part]
God. I was completely different.from I was two years ago. How I thought people, how I was able to love people was just different.
Yeah, she was very different, you know it's not the first time she shoot the TV drama, at first we didn't get along, but as we are working more and more, we began to like a family. She is very good to me, and I care her a lot and she is very detail.and she would like to make everything, every peroson, she didn't really have a ...she does have that energy to all of them. For me personally, she gave me a mp3 player, and all my line its in it, makes me recall it. So I can learn it again and again so that I can learn it.

Japanese drama. It's a lot of challenging I would love to do.
I would like to an action film, that I was training for that for about 6 moths, to make perfect form and physical shape, I think that will be really fun, really challenging and really fun.


The Chinese translate parts will past later. I feel so tired and it's time to having class.
翻译来了,刚从图书馆回来,就投入到工作中,oh yeah~














[ 本帖最後由 StacyWangs 於 2010-3-16 20:52 編輯 ]

Love Struggle Faith


原帖由 momo_1106 於 2010-3-16 19:56 發表
爱死伏地魔啦 好棒好棒 赞个~~

Love Struggle Faith





Love Struggle Faith


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