
[3rd Wave Music] SOL4GOD APRIL 2012 PRAYERS for Van Ness & 3rd Wave teams

[3rd Wave Music] SOL4GOD APRIL 2012 PRAYERS for Van Ness & 3rd Wave teams

Join us as part of SOL4GOD to pray for @VanNessVanWu @alexander_0729 @siwon407 @Brianjoomuzik @3rdWaveMusic on April!

SOL4GOD stands for Soldiers of Light for God. Partners @brianjoo110 @SiwonLover @Xander_Lovers and Van Ness Wu International Fan Club [Malaysia] (http://www.facebook.com/VIFCVanNessWuMalaysia) pray together on the 1st of every month. We invite you to pray with us for the artists that we love and support! ^^

Have a great week ahead! God bless~


GROUP PRAYER: Please pray for the following anytime on April. ^^


Van Ness:

1. Van Ness' new drama - Van is currently shooting for his new drama. Pray that the shooting process will go smoothly and his acting skills will be even better compared to previous dramas. Also, pray that he will be able to memorize the Chinese script easily.

2. Van Ness' life - Pray that out of his busy schedule, Van will take care of his health and get enough rest for himself. Also, pray that he will smile and be happy always.

3. Van Ness' 3Fs - Pray that everyone who loves and supports Van Ness--his Family, Friends, Fans--will always stay healthy and be happy in 2012. ~Love, Faith, Live~ In addition, pray that his F4 buddies will be healthy and have a smooth journey in their careers. Also, pray that they will remain as good brothers forever and that they will have a comeback soon as their fans miss them a lot.



1. U-Kiss - Pray for the members to be healthy and that they will do well for the activities on their schedule. Also, pray for their family members.

2. Alexander - Xander will be embarking on an Asia tour soon. Pray that he will have enough rest and will not overwork himself while preparing for the tour. Also, pray for God to use him as he heads to Taiwan as part of 3rd Wave April 27-29. Pray for his family as well.

3. Kibum - Pray for Kibum's career, his brother, and his family and that everything is working out fine for him.



1. Siwon's acting skills - Siwon always wants to be a real actor. Please pray that God will help Siwon to portray every role that he plays in a drama or movie perfectly. Pray that every character that Siwon portrays will help him learn more about the diversity of the lives of people, which makes him more able to put himself in the diversity of communities as a Soldier of Light--his true identity. Also, pray that Siwon will have God's way of thinking, meaning based on His principles mentioned in His Word. Because there are lots of thoughts in drama scenarios that sometimes contradict with God's principles, please pray that Siwon can recognize which concepts or thoughts are true and in accordance with God's principles. Please pray that Siwon can differentiate which is good, which is true, which is pleasing to God, and which is perfect (Romans 12:2). This is because what is good for the world is not always true and pleasing in God's sight.

2. Siwon's activities - Please pray that Siwon will always maintain a healthy lifestyle in this fully-packed month: Eat well, drink well, and have good-quality sleep. Pray for his TV drama appearances: Skip Beat and for the drama that is about to begin filming this April called Back to the Past. Please pray for Super Junior's Super Show 4 World Tour on April 6 in Paris at Zénith de Paris, April 14 in Shangai at Mercedes-Benz Arena, and April 28-29 in Indonesia at MEIS, Jakarta. Pray that not only will they make fans feel happy, but they can also leave a good impression and share a positive message. Also, pray for various events that Siwon is involved in and his role as ambassador for some brands (e.g., Kyochon, Acer, Mamonde, etc.).

3. Siwon and his family - Pray for Siwon's family: Mr. & Mrs. Choi and his beloved sister, Jiwon to always be in God's favor. Please pray that Siwon can do more good with 3rd Wave and be involved in more Christian events as he is always eager to share about his faith. Also, pray for Siwon's beloved brothers in Super Junior, Leeteuk, Heechul, Shindong, Yesung, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, Kangin, Zhou Mi, and Henry to always be in good spirits. Pray for them to always thank God for everything that they have accomplished and stay humble. May Super Junior continue to keep their brotherhood and maintain a strong bond as well as always support each other and be together. Pray that Heechul can realize there is an eternal God in this life Whom we must worship and for Whom our life is worth living.



1. Brian's visit to Canada and future plans - Brian went to Toronto for the 2K12 Korea Night show a couple of weeks ago and spent a few days there along with other artists. Thanksgiving that he had a wonderful performance at the show with a warm response from the crowd. He also felt really loved and had a memorable time for his first visit to Canada. Pray that God will continue to open doors for him to have the opportunity to perform in other countries so that more and more people will know about Brian and his music. May Brian place his dreams of being more than a K-pop singer in His hands. Whether it's debuting in North America as a singer or pursuing an acting project, pray that God will always be his focus and guide as he works hard to achieve those dreams. Pray that Brian will trust in His perfect timing and that He has amazing plans in store for him.

2. Brian's health - After returning to Korea from Canada, Brian had schedules to fulfill and is now getting back into the swing of things with show filmings. Pray that he will be able to get the rest he needs and remain healthy as he goes about his various activities. May God give him strength and true rest.

3. Brian's spiritual life - Pray that Brian will always stay close to God. No matter what challenges he has to face, may he pray about it and let God do His part as he does his. Pray that he will grow continuously in his spiritual walk as he reads His Word, fellowships with brothers and sisters, and reflects the love of Christ to others. Pray that God will continue to use Brian to shine for Him through the platform He has given him in the entertainment industry.


3rd Wave:

1. 3rd Wave in Japan - Pastor Johnny headed to Sendai, Japan last month for the Tohoku Celebration of Hope with Alexander and Siwon. Thanksgiving that many came to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior through this event. May the seeds sown be watered as the new believers continue to experience His great love. May everyone who attended the event be blessed. As Japan is a country where very few know Christ, pray for opportunities for 3rd Wave to minister there to share the Good News. May God use music as a medium to soften people's hearts.

2. 3rd Wave's partnerships - Through Pastor Johnny's trips to various countries as a part of Super Show 4, many have been blessed by his performance with Siwon for "Your Grace Is Enough" as well as connecting with local churches. Next up is SS4 in Paris and Shanghai (Pastor Johnny will not be in Indonesia). Pray that God will use 3rd Wave to be His Salt and Light, especially in the 1040 window. Also, 3rd Wave will be going to Taiwan again at the end of this month with Alexander as part of the line-up for the Jesus Fashion iChange No Limit Concert on April 28-29 at New Life Church. Pray for preparations to go smoothly and that God will use this event to connect artists who will rise up to be Soldiers of Light for Him in Asia and around the world. Pastor Johnny will also be preaching while he is there. Pray for God to grant him wisdom as he prepares and delivers His message.

3. 3rd Wave's ministry - Pray for the church's heart to fundraise and help the elderly in North Korea. Also, pray that God will grow this church and build up brothers and sisters through their personal relationship with Him and each other. May He give them a vision to love and serve others and guide them in being a body of Christ working together to reach those who have yet heard the Gospel.


Get yourself the Charitable CCM music feat VanN now. Don't Miss it...Msian may visit http://www.vannesswu.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=11748&extra=page%3D1
For more info, log on to www.3rdwavemusic.org
VISIT my blog at www.alivenotdead.com/?Jessica C
VIFC_M'sia blog : http://www.vifcmsia.blogspot.com/

