
Big ratings for Autumn's Concerto courtesy of half-naked Van Ness Wu

Big ratings for Autumn's Concerto courtesy of half-naked Van Ness Wu

Big ratings for Autumn's Concerto courtesy of half-naked Van Ness Wu

Source: Nownews, SETTV
Written by PA @ CpopAccess.com

As reported earlier, Van Ness Wu showed plenty of skin on last Sunday's episode and the move has certainly paid off. Autumn's Concerto brought in an average rating of 7.15%, leading some Netizens to suggest that the show should be renamed "Next Stop, Pectoral Muscle" instead of its current Chinese title "Next Stop, Happiness". Although it didn't reach the series-high rating of 7.76% two episodes ago when the main character regained his memory, it was still a pretty impressive showing as the drama goes into its last phrase. The episode was off to a great start with a heart-felt speech from the supporting character Hua Tuo-Ye played by Chris Wu. Lead actress Ady An backed up the show with consistently good acting , as her character struggles to find balance between her new life and a hostile relationship with her ex-lover/new husband.

The highest ratings for episode 16 peaked at 8.64%, courtesy of a bed scene involving a half-naked Van Ness Wu with his leading lady. Since this is a prime-time drama, not much can happen other than some arguing/kissing/crying. Nonetheless, fans should remain optimistic as the preview for the next episode shows the couple marking progress towards a reconciliation. Netizens complimented on Van Ness's acting as he interchanged facial expressions from being cold to caring throughout the episode. Many viewers also noticed his scene-stealing eyebrows, commenting that they have become another highlight of the drama. SETTV can breath a sigh of relief for now as their competitor Down with Love has just been delayed for a week. Their other competitor, Hi! My Sweetheart, continues to do well at 4.26% and will look for a big finish when they end on January 31st with special 30 minutes finale.

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