
[Malaysia] VanNess "Cest' la V" album pre-order

can i know how we pay???
I am a vanatic from M'sia...
Hope that i will get a lot of friends from this big family... VIFC =]
but since i joined VIFC 2 years ago...
i really got a lot of new friends form all around the world...
there is no other reason, the only reason make we know each others are we are VANATICS <3


i want a set but if too expensive i cant buy...
I am a vanatic from M'sia...
Hope that i will get a lot of friends from this big family... VIFC =]
but since i joined VIFC 2 years ago...
i really got a lot of new friends form all around the world...
there is no other reason, the only reason make we know each others are we are VANATICS <3


回復 14# jessi 的帖子

i hope so...
I am a vanatic from M'sia...
Hope that i will get a lot of friends from this big family... VIFC =]
but since i joined VIFC 2 years ago...
i really got a lot of new friends form all around the world...
there is no other reason, the only reason make we know each others are we are VANATICS <3

