Sorry that we do not support bilingual version in this BBS. For new members who want to join, kindly take the following sample as a guide to complete the Registration Form. Thank you for your patience and hope you will have fun in here.
*Click this picture to zoom in
註冊 《Register》《登録》
必填 《Must Complete》《필수 입력 사항》《必須事項》
用戶名 《ID》《아이디》《ユーザー名(ニックネーム)》
密碼 《Password》《비밀번호》《パスワード》
確認密碼 《Confirm Password》《비밀번호 확인》《パスワード確認 》
高級選項 《Full details》《 개인 정보》《 全項目》
提交 《Submit》《전송》《送信》
After filling all the blanks (picture2) and submitting, your registration is appected.
Administrator will confirm your accourt as soon as possible.
After that , you accourt can work!