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22/10/2010 An Interview Blog in Singapore with VanNess Wu

22/10/2010 An Interview Blog in Singapore with VanNess Wu

credits to, http://blogs.todayonline.com/sta ... ss-wu-in-singapore/

Greetings and salutations, fellow stargazers! This is your Showbiz Sista, who’s just been hobnobbing with actor and musician Van Ness Wu. The Van Ness monster (I can hear you rolling your eyes, you know) is in town RIGHT NOW—he flew in this afternoon from Taiwan—for a concert that he will be performing at the ION Fashion Concert tomorrow.

This event celebrates the one-year anniversary of ION Orchard—yes! It’s been a year already!—and it’ll be held at ION2, Level 1, ION Orchard at 7pm. It’s free, so all you Van Ness fans have no reason not to go down and catch his performance.

“I’ll be performing about six songs. It’ll be from my new Japanese single album and some from my old albums and some mixed together,” Van Ness told Showbiz Sista as we lounged around Royal Plaza On Scotts’s Presidential Suite.

The former F4 band member—who could forget those rebonded locks?—said he loves Singapore’s curry and Singapore’s weather, but as for Singapore girls, well, that’s a toss-up. Now that he’s broken up with Singaporean socialite Arissa Cheo, is he currently single and available?

Van Ness laughed. “Umm… I’m single. Am I available? I don’t know. ‘Cos I’m not looking. I’m just going through the emotions of trying to figure out what it is that I want for myself. So I don’t know if I am available. I am single though!”

Showbiz Sista takes that to mean that he’s open to suggestions. So now would be a good time to get your foot in the door, if you like that sort of thing. Showbiz Sista, signing out! Live long and pop corn!

Photos by Jason Ho.

[ 本帖最後由 whalesg 於 2010-10-23 01:45 編輯 ]




thank you^^
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VIFC的網站  http://www.vannesswu.org


Thanks for sharing~

VanNess: " I’ll be performing about six songs. It’ll be from my new Japanese single album and some from my old albums and some mixed together,”

Really can't wait to see him tonight~ I hope he will sing "Better"~
Love, Faith, Live


hahaha....Single but don't know if he's available...


thx !!!


thanks for sharing!!! he looks fresh in the pics!!


thanks for sharing~




he’s open to suggestions. So now would be a good time to get your foot in the door, if you like that sort of thing. Showbiz Sista, signing out! Live long and pop corn!

what 's that supposed to be ?
anyone who want to have a date with him ,a good chance to make him your man ?
am i seriously ?


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