原帖由 FF2 於 2007-4-4 10:24 發表
1、这两个版本和送的东西都算是预购版吗? 正式發行的普通版是否就沒有送東西了?
2、贴身版里面送的贴纸和之前海外预购的贴纸..是一样..吗? 還是除專輯附贈貼紙之外,海外預購另外還 ...
+ 3) the stickers attached are being designed by Vanness as previous mentioned?
1. same thing that you can get from the store in taiwan
2. there will be 3 stickers all together, 2 comes with the cd, one extra gift to preorder only
3. yes
+ re the 19/4 press, i've sent cfm mail to your registered email, pls chk and revert