
《愛上巧克力》完結篇 吳建豪、曾之喬竟神隱?!

1.        首先VanNess婚禮上的誓詞真的看了很令人感動. 一大段台詞辛苦了V, 謝謝他帶給大家這麼美好幸福的結局,這一幕將永存我心,也期待V下一部新作品.

2.        三立的張榮華先生說  要發展優質電視劇, 好跟進其他國家. 甚至進一步出口, 像韓國, 日本等 .
打著V在海內外的高人氣招牌, 2012年4月,立三都會台,上檔華人電視劇系列的第二部作品《愛上巧克力》Ti Amo Chocolate. 可是看到後來男女主角的戲 竟越來越少. 讓我們覺得無奈啊! 不過這不也很奇怪嗎? 我怕人家會和我們一樣失望呢! 一個挺好的出口機會被大打折扣了!!

What I really do not understand is that CEO of Sanli, Mr. Zhang, says that they want to export Taiwanese drama overseas, like Korea, Japan. I believe that is one of the reasons they asked V to play the main character for Ti Amo Chocolate, knowing that he is well known there. I am afraid fans overseas will be as disappointed as we did after the initial excitement. It will be an embarrassment not just for Sanli, but for all the TV businesses of Taiwan it represented.

Sanli seems to forget that we, the V’s fans, are watching for a simple reason. We are devoted fans of V’s. We may not be as loud as some other fan, however that does not mean they can just ignore us. Every single episode when there is nothing but a few minutes of the main characters, I am not sure what they are trying to achieve.  Have they ever thought about how the fans overseas will feel, since they promoted the drama with V as the main character to begin with?

