
[其他資料] MOGLOM‘z Doll 貼鑽限量公仔

MOGLOM‘z Doll 貼鑽限量公仔

Van Ness Wu designer of 3.V.O.7.'s Bday is just around the corner! Many people asked what happened to the "original" MOGLOM Necklace? Only 12 left in stock, we decided to BLING it out for this special occasion and price it at a special price $199! Starts on 8/7 at www.3vo7love.com , All 12 are different/unique colors matched by the designer....
歡慶8月7日Vanness 生日,藉此奉上之前銷售一空但詢問度仍居高不的MOGLOM‘z Doll 貼鑽限量公仔,總共12隻且每個顏色只有一個,限量歡慶價新台幣$5980。8月7日將在3.V.O.7. shop 販售。

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