
[討論] V's Twitter

The feedback is predicable. Not all his supporters love him from begining, from his music, dance or the real V.
It's the power of the drama. It can attract hundred of thousand audiences in  Asia. That is why F4 and other TV stars are so popular in Asian society. V in the spotlight again because of the drama which created a nice character/ image for V. Some ppl love the character in the drama, then love V. When this ideal image is broken by the truth suddenly (V's honesty), it can't be accepted. The drama had just finished for a month after all.
V fall in love and get married with somebody one day. It's inevitable. It's time to let us to grow up and see V's good changes because of God.
I believe V can overcome this little challenge by the supports of his family, friends, fans and the Love of God.
V, You did well. No lie, No guilty.
God bless you!

